Exod. 25:10 They shall make an ark of acacia wood; it shall be two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. Exod. 37:1 Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood; it was two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. Exod. 37:6 He made a mercy seat of pure gold; two cubits and a half was its length, and a cubit and a half its width. Exod. 25:17 Then you shall make a mercy seat of pure gold; two cubits and a half shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its width. Exod. 25:18 You shall make two cherubim of gold; you shall make them of hammered work, at the two ends of the mercy seat. Exod. 40:20 He took the covenant and put it into the ark, and put the poles on the ark, and set the mercy seat above the ark.